Kyo Odori (京おどり)

Kyo Odori (Kyoto Dance) is played in Miyagawa-cho Kaburenjo Theater between early April and late April. Kyo Odori is not written in the old style using the old O (を) of Miyako Dance (都をどり), but uses the new writing style of "Odori" (おどり).


Kyo Odori was played for the first time in 1950, and it was played in Minami-za Theater between 1954 and 1968 due to extension work of Kawaramachi of Hankyu Railway Kyoto Line, and then went back to the renovated Kabu-renjo Theater from 1969 to the present.


The first play of Kyo Odori
1954 - 1968
Due to the extension work of the Hankyu Railway Kyoto Line, it was played in the Minami-za Theatre.

The play in the original theatre was started again.

[Original Japanese]